  1. rancher


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
52e022b1f55Bumping alertmanager to 0.17.0Problem: alertmanager 0.16.0 unable to send email notification without SMTP authentication Solution: upgrade to alertmanger 0.17.0 which solve this problem Issue: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/20060
Frank MaiFrank Mai
2574cab5f13Remove nginx proxy_buffer from Monitoring**Problem:** Buffering proxy data causes client to receive slow **Solution:** Disable buffer via `proxy_buffering off;` to response client directly **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/19689
c5ddab3f209Keep the operator charts version to 0.0.2**Problem:** Upgrade the operator would have errors because we change the version of the operator charts. **Solution:** Keep the old version 0.0.2 the operator used before.
Frank MaiFrank Mai
3c02c7d4faaFix error expression for container resources query**Problem:** There are two kubelet scraping targets on Prometheus, one is scraping `/metrics`, another one is scraping `/metrics/cadvisor`. The metrics from `/metrics` endpoint are not including `container_name`. So the `container_*` expression will double the actual mount without `conatiner_name!=""` **Solution:** Add `container_name!=""` into the expression **Issue:** https://github.com/ran...
Frank MaiFrank Mai
7283abb8d9eFix error expression for fluentd query**Problem:** The `Flunetd` pane from `Rancher Components` dashboard cannot show the right counting of fluentd Pods **Solution:** Change `sum(kube_pod_info{pod=~"fluentd.*"})` to `sum(kube_pod_info{pod=~".*fluentd.*",pod!~".*aggregator.*"})` **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/19722
c783beec5bbThe node exporter should be listening instead of pod ipFix the issue that node exporter crash when deploying into the node without internal ip.
Frank MaiFrank Mai
4b535b05c1eEnable Operator via operator.enabled or enabled
23f05c3074bAdd logging 2.2 charts, update configmap reloader imageProblem: update configure reloader to mirrored rancher image, logging configure secret has precan and generted data Solution: update configure reloader image, separate configure secret into two secrets Issue: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/19836
f2739b926edcopy logging chart from 0.0.1
Frank MaiFrank Mai
70d482a0874Adjust answers for project monitoring- Use project name & cluster name info from Values.global
Frank MaiFrank Mai
08e14cddbabRemove Project Prometheus RBAC resource
Frank MaiFrank Mai
ad17036d7b2Upgrade to 0.0.3 version- Embed operator as sub charts + Support to configure operator like other charts + Adjust operator default limit - Add permission to kube-state exporter - Replace localhost by on prometheus-auth - Increase Nginx proxy buffers - Configure PVC name of Prometheus or Alertmanager + Allow to configure PVC name of Prometheus or Alertmanager via `prometheus.persistence.name` or `...
Frank MaiFrank Mai
89fb303299cCopy from v0.0.2
Frank MaiFrank Mai
65c9bba17d1Sync Grafana expression with Rancher UI
Frank MaiFrank Mai
cec080c5d0bRemove useless metric-expression resources
78f315117a1Start prometheus proxy nginx in process 1**Problem:** When we start nginx in our start-up script, the nginx process would become the child process of start-up script process and not process 1. In this case, the kill signal from kubelet/docker will be sent to start-up script instead of nginx so the nginx process won't stop after kill. **Solution:** Change the proxy command and let nginx start at process 1.
0a1d0d47bd4Use repository for image name key in templatesIn system-charts, we need to use the `repository` and `tag` to define container's image name. After that, we can collect them together and provide an images list we need for system charts.
Prachi DamlePrachi Damle
a4979154547Use updated rancher image of external-dns with version 0.5.11
6f93a4d3c7dupgrade fluentd image versionproblem: before fluentd 1.3.1 version can't support add client cert for fluentd output Solution: upgrade fluentd to 1.3.3, but the related kafka gem also upgrade small version, tested fluentd and kafka after upgrade version Issue: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/18396
6ed67738344Add configurations for alibabacloud provider to external-dns
Prachi DamlePrachi Damle
356491217ebChanges done to upstream chart.- Adding checksum over secrets to ensure change in secrets upgrades deployment - Using rancher image for ensuring airgap case works too - Adding nodeSelector to ensure the workloads never schedule to the Windows node - Adding resource limits - Add private image registry for airgap case
Prachi DamlePrachi Damle
f627b92ca5dCopy of Upstream Helm chart for external-dnsWe will be keeping up with the upstream chart https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/external-dns
Frank MaiFrank Mai
9b275d8104aUpgrade Monitoring images version**Problem:** Cannot start "rules-configmap-reloader" container with 10Mi limit resource **Solution:** Update images: - quay.io/coreos/prometheus-operator:v0.29.0 -> rancher/coreos-prometheus-operator:v0.29.0 - quay.io/coreos/prometheus-config-reloader -> rancher/coreos-prometheus-config-reloader:v0.29.0 - prom/alertmanager:v0.16.1 -> rancher/prom-alertmanager:v0.16.1 - prom/prometheus:v2.7.1 ...
Frank MaiFrank Mai
511280c8610Consist label in service monitor and logging charts**Problem:** Enable logging and monitoring in `rancher/rancher:master`, but can't see fluentd metric **Solution:** Consist label and endpoint name in `system-chart/rancher-monitoring:v0.0.2`` **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/18327 **Patch:** https://github.com/rancher/system-charts/pull/17
767e615dc12Should consist label in service monitor and logging chartsProblem: enable logging and moinitoring but can't see fluentd metric Solution: consist label and endpoint name Issue: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/18327
Craig JellickCraig Jellick
ca7b0eb7a37MMerge pull request #16 from thxCode/issue_18166Refactor & fix some issue for Monitoring
Frank MaiFrank Mai
16e0cadb4d4Increase the periodSeconds & timeoutSeconds for readiness & liveness checking**Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/18104
Frank MaiFrank Mai
3cd401eda59Add a Service as a creatation history for Prometheus Operator when uninstalling
Frank MaiFrank Mai
7085404aa52Merge hooks-configmap.yaml into nginx-configmap.yaml of Grafana
Frank MaiFrank Mai
c2bc5b9f68bEmbed Nginx into Prometheus Pod**Issues:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/18166
Frank MaiFrank Mai
8f54c9d7dd4Remove the front Nginx of Alertmanager
Frank MaiFrank Mai
c80dba3d4a7Modify images to rancher official
Frank MaiFrank Mai
a70cec6f707Support choosing Prometheus sync mode between federate and remote**Problem:** - Remote reader mode only allow `project-level` Prometheus to share the metrics from `cluster-level` Prometheus - Remote reader mode cannot save the namespace-related metrics from `cluster-level` Prometheus **Solution:** - Add `prometheus.sync.mode` to choose - Add a "federate" scrape job when deploying federation mode **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/17390
Frank MaiFrank Mai
86d8abd7198Don't print any credential info to log
Frank MaiFrank Mai
b7cebf42ab0Support random serviceSelectorLabels label name**Problem:** Cannot input like `x.y.z/k` label name into serviceSelectorLabels **Solution:** Use array instead of object as values
Frank MaiFrank Mai
f8057dbb0e6Sync up the root values.yaml with sub-charts
Frank MaiFrank Mai
896ade91eb1Clean useless values
Frank MaiFrank Mai
c3910adb469Support random nodeSelector label name**Problem:** Cannot input like `x.y.z/k` label name into nodeSelector **Solution:** Use array instead of object as values **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/17340
13b5a79de2fAdd ability to use private image registry when deploying monitoring toolsproblem: We can not deploy monitoring tools in an air gap environment. Solution: Add the ability to use the private image registry when deploying monitoring tools Issue: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/17842
69520015a0fDeploy Prometheus into Project level**Problem:** - Previous charts cannot satisfy the project level monitoring deploying design - Grafana cannot be restarted after password changed - node-exporter cannot be scheduled to `controlpane` or `etcd` role nodes - Prometheus cannot be started with PVC that provided by some storage provisioner which don't respect the `SecurityContext` **Solution:** - Deploy "project level" monitoring wit...
a752bdd55faCopy from v0.0.1 to v0.0.2
aa0d70cef84Add ability to use private image registry when deploying logging toolsproblem: After we refactored the logging, we can not deploy logging tools in an air gap environment. Solution: Add the ability to use the private image registry when deploying logging tools Issue: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/17568
5b03a8d7af4Add logging chartsProblem: we want to use catalog to deploy system tools Solution: add logging chart
c6a843247ffAdd resources quota to Grafana**Problem:** Can't enable project level monitoring without resources quota **Solution:** Add resource quota to workload spec **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/16993
d210a5052b7Fix Grafana PV can't be mounted (Patch)**Problem:** Grafana still can't mount PV correctly in Cloud, because there are 2 `securityContext` and `fsGroup` only work on Pod spec. **Solution:** Change the `securityContext` to Pod spec. **Issue:** https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/16953
5b00f9d65bfRevert "Fix Grafana PV can't mount"This reverts commit cb0f92308e32c637a5cd09b5c1b7a644378bb58a. Problem: There isn't `fsGroup` in Container `securityContext`
1d3be8c2b38Fix Grafana PV can't mountProblem: - Grafana can't mount PV correctly in Cloud Solution: - Use SecurityContext Issue: rancher/rancher#16953
0b45c998ec2Update Rancher Components Dashboard
Frank MaiFrank Mai
026c410779aChange images repo and version (#1)
fe3136553b2Add Rancher-Monitoring Chart (+) Only use for Rancher 2.0 Monitoring and Alerting (+) Support Grafana to proxy with authorization bearer token to Prometheus-Auth agent (+) Support Prometheus web to proxy with authorization bearer token to Prometheus-Auth agent (+) Rich metrics for Kubernetes and Rancher Co-authored-by: aiwantaozi <michelia.feng@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ora...