Upgrade to 0.0.3 version- Embed operator as sub charts
+ Support to configure operator like other charts
+ Adjust operator default limit
- Add permission to kube-state exporter
- Replace localhost by on prometheus-auth
- Increase Nginx proxy buffers
- Configure PVC name of Prometheus or Alertmanager
+ Allow to configure PVC name of Prometheus or Alertmanager via `prometheus.persistence.name` or `...
Start prometheus proxy nginx in process 1**Problem:**
When we start nginx in our start-up script, the nginx process would
become the child process of start-up script process and not process 1.
In this case, the kill signal from kubelet/docker will be sent to
start-up script instead of nginx so the nginx process won't stop after
Change the proxy command and let nginx start at process 1.
Use repository for image name key in templatesIn system-charts, we need to use the `repository` and `tag` to define
container's image name. After that, we can collect them together and
provide an images list we need for system charts.
upgrade fluentd image versionproblem:
before fluentd 1.3.1 version can't support add client cert for fluentd output
upgrade fluentd to 1.3.3, but the related kafka gem also upgrade small
version, tested fluentd and kafka after upgrade version
Changes done to upstream chart.- Adding checksum over secrets to ensure change in secrets upgrades deployment
- Using rancher image for ensuring airgap case works too
- Adding nodeSelector to ensure the workloads never schedule to the Windows node
- Adding resource limits
- Add private image registry for airgap case
Copy of Upstream Helm chart for external-dnsWe will be keeping up with the upstream chart
Consist label in service monitor and logging charts**Problem:**
Enable logging and monitoring in `rancher/rancher:master`, but can't see fluentd metric
Consist label and endpoint name in `system-chart/rancher-monitoring:v0.0.2``
Should consist label in service monitor and logging chartsProblem:
enable logging and moinitoring but can't see fluentd metric
consist label and endpoint name
Support choosing Prometheus sync mode between federate and remote**Problem:**
- Remote reader mode only allow `project-level` Prometheus to share the
metrics from `cluster-level` Prometheus
- Remote reader mode cannot save the namespace-related metrics from
`cluster-level` Prometheus
- Add `prometheus.sync.mode` to choose
- Add a "federate" scrape job when deploying federation mode
Support random serviceSelectorLabels label name**Problem:**
Cannot input like `x.y.z/k` label name into serviceSelectorLabels
Use array instead of object as values
Support random nodeSelector label name**Problem:**
Cannot input like `x.y.z/k` label name into nodeSelector
Use array instead of object as values
Add ability to use private image registry when deploying monitoring toolsproblem:
We can not deploy monitoring tools in an
air gap environment.
Add the ability to use the private image registry when deploying
monitoring tools
Deploy Prometheus into Project level**Problem:**
- Previous charts cannot satisfy the project level monitoring deploying design
- Grafana cannot be restarted after password changed
- node-exporter cannot be scheduled to `controlpane` or `etcd` role nodes
- Prometheus cannot be started with PVC that provided by some storage provisioner which don't respect the `SecurityContext`
- Deploy "project level" monitoring wit...
Add ability to use private image registry when deploying logging toolsproblem:
After we refactored the logging, we can not deploy logging tools in an
air gap environment.
Add the ability to use the private image registry when deploying logging
Fix Grafana PV can't be mounted (Patch)**Problem:**
Grafana still can't mount PV correctly in Cloud, because there are 2
`securityContext` and `fsGroup` only work on Pod spec.
Change the `securityContext` to Pod spec.
Add Rancher-Monitoring Chart (+) Only use for Rancher 2.0 Monitoring and Alerting
(+) Support Grafana to proxy with authorization bearer token to
Prometheus-Auth agent
(+) Support Prometheus web to proxy with authorization bearer token
to Prometheus-Auth agent
(+) Rich metrics for Kubernetes and Rancher
Co-authored-by: aiwantaozi <michelia.feng@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ora...